NoSQL operator: ctime

Takes a column containing the No. of seconds since the epoch and turns
it into local time values.

Usage: ctime [options] column

    --input (-i) 'file'
      Read input from 'file' instead of STDIN.

    --output (-o) 'file'
      Write output to 'file' instead of STDOUT.

    --help (-h)
      Print this help info.

    --no-header (-N)
      Suppress header from output table.

    --format (-F) string
      Use 'string' as the output date format. See date(1).


$ cat input.rdb
column1 column2
------- -------
goofy   1004150993
minnie  1004167382

$ ctime --input input.rdb column2
column1 column2
------- -------
goofy   Sat Oct 27 05:49:53 CEST 2001
minnie  Sat Oct 27 10:23:02 CEST 2001

$ ctime --input input.rdb --format "%Y-%m-%d" column2
column1 column2
------- -------
goofy   2001-10-27
minnie  2001-10-27